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The word Chakra comes from an ancient Indian language known as Sanskrit meaning; vortex, spinning wheel or circle. Chakra’s are the major centres of spiritual power in the human body and are circles of energy, which balance, store and distribute the energies of life. Throughout time practitioners of many cultures have accessed these energy vortexes as the cause of dis-ease. 

Imagine charkas as circles of energy, flowing all the way through our body, these circles of energy assist in running our body, mind and soul. If these charkas are not performing correctly or blocked, this could cause our physical body, mental and emotional health, along with our spiritual selves to suffer. 


There are seven main Chakra’s, located up the spinal column, combined these compose of your consciousness and your energy system. 


Each of your Chakra’s has its own unique purpose, each controlling a specific aspect of your life. Each Chakra is associated with different parts of our body and mind, and they need to spin totally in balance to feel good. The Chakra’s absorb energy that comes from our thoughts, feelings and outside environment and feed this to our body. Each Chakra is associated to different levels of body functions, consciousness, sounds, colours, elements and more. 

Seven Chakras

  1. Crown Chakra

  2. Third Eye Chakra

  3. Throat Chakra

  4. Heart Chakra

  5. Sola Plexus Chakra

  6. Sacral Chakra

  7. Root (Base) Chakra


Crown Chakra

The highest chakra represents our ability to be fully connected spiritually!

Location:  Top of head 

Sanskrit Name:  Sahasrara 

Colour:  Violet/white or full spectrum (rainbow) 

Note: B 

Element:  Thought 

Mantra:  The dissipating silence after Om 

Mind:  Thought 

Emotion:  Inner and outer beauty, our connection to spirituality and pure bliss 

Spirit set:  Free 

Physical:  Dementia, autoimmune disorders, epilepsy, coma, migraines, brain tumours, amnesia, cognitive delusions 

Chakra Balanced:  Love and acceptance of the Divine, intelligent, thoughtful, aware, open-minded, ability to recognise and receive spiritual guidance, sense of oneness, ability to transcend physical laws, comfortable on earth 

Essential Oils: Frankincense is the most spiritually charged oil which brings peace and clarify, helping enhance connection with the Devine.  

Crystal:  Amethyst, Clear Quartz, Diamond, Lepidolite, Moonstone and Selenite 

Affirmation: I am one with my higher self and one with the Devine! 

Location:  Forehead/between the eyebrows  

Sanskrit Name:  Ajna 

Colour:  Indigo blue 

Note: A 

Element:  Light 

Mantra:  Om 
inhale audibly through your nostrils, and direct the stream of air to the point between your eyebrows. Pronounce the sound along with your exhalation as a subtly audible whisper, allowing the sound and breath to resonate in the cranial area 

Mind: Visual consciousness 

Emotion:  Intuition, insight, imagination, wisdom and the ability to think and make decisions  

Spirit set:  Insight 

Physical:   Headaches, migraines, seizures, neurological disorders, personality disorders, scalp/hair issues, vision problems, mental illness  

Chakra Balanced:  L Intuitive/psychic, optimistic, perceptive, imaginative, watchful, aware, good memory, wise, above to plan and carry out plans, sleep well, can recall dreams, calm mind 

Essential Oils:  Lavender is extremely calming which helps calm and activate the mind to reach a higher state of consciousness 

Crystal:  Amethyst, Lapis Lazuli, Sodalite, Purple Fluorite, Lepidolite and Black Obsidian 

Affirmation: I am tuned into the Devine and follow my path with purpose! 

Third Eye Chakra 

Our ability to focus on and see the big picture! 

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Throat Chakra 

Our ability to communicate! 

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Location:  Throat/base of the neck  

Sanskrit Name:  Vishuddha 

Colour:  Blue 

Note: G 

Element:  Sound (music) 

Mantra:  Ham 
inhale audibly through your mouth, and pronounce the word hum (as in humming); allow the breath to extend beyond the resolution of the consonant 

Mind: Confidence

Emotion:  Communication, independent, self-expression of feelings and the truth  

Spirit set:  Sense of security 

Physical:   Problems with nasal area, teeth or gums, irritated sinuses, jaw pain, disorders of throat, ears, voice or neck, ailments with tonsils 

Chakra Balanced:  Good listener, communicates easily clearly, lives creatively, speaks with confidence, sings well, good sense of timing/rhythm, expresses self freely, comfortable with body language 

Essential Oils:   Eucalyptus helps the throat to become free and clear for self expression 

Crystal:  Turquoise, Lapis Lazuli, Sodalite, Blue Lace Agate and Aquamarine 

Affirmation: I always express my truth clearly and positively!

Location:  Centre of the chest  

Sanskrit Name:  Anahata 

Colour: Green 

Note: F 

Element:  Air 

Mantra:  Yam
inhale noiselessly through your mouth, and pronounce the sound like the word yum (as in yummy); allow the sound along with your breath to fill your mouth and throat cavity   

Mind: Passion/compassion 

Emotion:  Love of self as well as others, joy and inner peace  

Spirit set:  Devotion 

Physical:    Disorders of heart, lungs, thymus, breast, arms, shortness of breath, circulation problems, asthma, immune system deficiency 

Chakra Balanced:  Compassionate, understanding, loving of self and others, empathetic, inner peace, strong immune system  

Essential Oils:    Rose is related to the heart and will enhances love towards yourself and others 

Crystal:  Rose Quartz, Jade, Green Tourmaline and Chrysocolla 

Affirmation: I am love, I am light, I am that I am, giving love effortlessly to all I do and everyone I cross paths! 

Heart Chakra 

Our ability to love ourselves and others! 

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Sola Plexus Chakra 

Our ability to be confident and in control of our lives! 

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Location:  Midway between navel and base of sternum  

Sanskrit Name:  Manipura 

Colour: Yellow 

Note: E 

Element:  Fire 

Mantra:  Ram 
place the tip of your tongue on the roof of the front section of the upper palate, roll the r as in Spanish, and pronounce the mantra like the first part of the word rumble    

Mind: Personal power 

Emotion:  Expansiveness, self-worth, self-confidence and self-esteem  

Spirit set:  Growth 

Physical:     Eating, intestinal or digestive disorders, hypoglycaemia, diabetes, eczema, acne, food allergies, chronic fatigue, depression, disorders of stomach, pancreas, gallbladder, liver

Chakra Balanced:   Responsible and reliable, healthy self-esteem, spontaneity, playfulness, sense of humour, able to make decisions and meet challenges, warmth in personality  

Essential Oils:     Cinnamon and Peppermint will help with your creative power that lies within

Crystal:  Amber, Golden Topaz, Sunstone, Citrine, Yellow Calcite

Affirmation: I am powerful, confident and successful in all my ventures! 

Location:  Abdomen  

Sanskrit Name:  Swadhisthana 

Colour: Orange 

Note: D 

Element:  Water 

Mantra:  Vam 
place the upper set of teeth on the inner section of your lower lip and begin with a breathy consonant to imitate the sound of a fast car. Pronounce the mantra like “fvam” 

Mind: Creativity 

Emotion:  Enthusiasm, sense of abundance, well-being, pleasure and sexualit  

Spirit set:  Passion 

Physical:      Disorders of reproductive organs, fertility, urinary system, spleen, gallbladder, kidney, mensural difficulties, sexual dysfunction, lack of flexibility, deadened senses

Chakra Balanced:    Healthy creative expression, balanced hormones, ability to experience pleasure, generous and giving, nurturing to self, health boundaries  

Essential Oils:      Ylang Ylang and Sandalwood will both aid in sexual and reproductive energies 

Crystal:  Carnelian, Citrine, Orange Calcite and Coral

Affirmation: I am radiant, beautiful and strong and I enjoy a healthy and blissful life! 

Sacral Chakra

Our connection and ability to accept others and new experiences! 

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Root (Base) Chakra 

Represents our foundation and feeling of being grounded! 

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Location:  Base of spine  

Sanskrit Name:  Muladhara 

Colour: Red 

Note: C 

Element:  Earth 

Mantra:  Lam 
curve the tip of your tongue up and back, and place it on the rear section of the upper palate to pronounce a sound like the word alum without the initial a    

Mind: Intuition 

Emotion:  Confidence, survival issues such as financial independence, money and food  

Spirit set:  Survival 

Physical:     Constipation, lower back/sciatica pain, issues with legs, feet, knees, groin, hips, ankles, rectal/anal problems, frequent illness (deficient/excessive) 

Chakra Balanced:    Abundant health and energy, feeling grounded and settled, comfortable with own body, sense of safety and security, happiness in job/career, satisfied with life, material prosperity  

Essential Oils:    Patchouli which will help enhance grounding and stability

Crystal:  Bloodstone, Tiger Eye, Fire Agate, Garnet, Ruby, Red Jasper and Black Tourmaline

Affirmation: I am a divine being of light, I am peaceful, protected and secure!


I am

Overview of what the Seven Charka’s deal with and what blocks them! 

and is blocked by earthly attachment

and is blocked by illusion

and is blocked by lies

and is blocked by grief

and is blocked by shame

and is blocked by guilt

and is blocked by fear

deals with pure cosmic energy

deals with insight

deals with truth

deals with love

deals with willpower

deals with pleasure

deals with survival


Clearing and opening these energy centres is referred to as ‘chakra balancing’ or ‘chakra healing.’ This process can lead to a profound transformation of our emotional, physical, and spiritual state. 


Balanced Chakra’s bring our body to life and keep us emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually healthy. 

If you wish to have your Chakra’ balanced I would love to hear from you. 


I use various mediums including Reiki, Sound Healing, Crystals, Intuitive Counselling, AromaTouch Massage with Sound Healing, Australian Bush Flower Essences and doTerra Essential Oils which all assist to help bring you back to your natural state of being, while clearing any blockages in your system, shifting negative programming bringing you back into complete balance. 


Working in the realms of our chakra system, energy field and subconscious and conscious programmed belief system. I know how powerful and important the direction of our thoughts both conscious and sub-conscious are, as they contribute to the reality that we live, so I work closely with you to help reprogramme your overall being to assist you back to complete harmony and balance in Mind Body and Soul. 


If you have questions about our energy field and Chakra’s or wish to experience a Reiki / Energy Balancing session at Frequency of Light, we would love to hear from you.   

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